Friday, May 10, 2013

The 2013 Season Is Upon Us

Good news is Trouthunter kept me very busy last summer and we had a great season. The bad, I guess,  was a total of zero blog posts for the year. It was definitely easier to find time to write when I used to work in the fly shop a couple times a week. Guiding almost every day with a wife and kids and living in a cabin with no internet has taken a toll on this would be blogger. This year we will have internet so I hope for a little more productivity in the ole blog department.

I am hoping to be able to put down some good words and fresh ideas going forward. It is hard to get past the fishing pictures and fishing reports content but I will look to dig a little deeper and try to hone my writing skills as well as putting some fun and worthwhile stuff on here.  I am certainly no gifted writer but an interesting thought or two makes its way through my head from time to time. Hopefully I can find the motivation and inspiration to put something down that folks will enjoy. Here's to a productive 2013 both in the rowers seat and behind this laptop!

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